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Financial Report 2021.10

The Finance Committee would like to share the following information regarding Zion’s financial condition. Offerings to the General Fund in October were similar to the gifts given in October of last year. Total October income for the General Fund was about $1,700 greater than last year. Expenses for this October were about 30% higher than they were a year ago. This increase was expected as we approach full staffing and programming. For the month, our expenses exceeded our income by

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Pastor Kari Bahe

Transition Team Report

And the Lord answered me: Write the vision, make it plain on tablets, so that all who read it may run with it. From Habakkuk 2:2-3 What is an Interim Transition Task Force? This group will help Zion move through the steps of the interim period. An interim is that transition period congregations move through as they are preparing for their next “settled” pastor. As congregations move through an interim period, there are general steps to go through which help

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Future Mission Trip Opportunities

For many years, Zion has provided global travel opportunities to participate with our mission partners in Jamaica and Zambia. The schedule has been that for odd years (2019), Jamaica is the destination. During the even years (2020), the travel destination is Zambia, Africa. I have been fortunate to have the opportunity to participate in both of these mission trips and have found it’s a great way to serve others and immerse myself with people of different cultures. With continuing challenges

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Pastor Kari Bahe

The Heart of Christmas

…God’s love has been poured into our hearts… Romans 5:5 As Christmas approaches, we will no doubt hear the phrase: Keep Christ in Christmas. Frankly, it is one of my least favorite sayings. I confess to you that it makes me want to shout in my best Ebenezer Scrooge voice: What do you mean, keep Christ in Christmas? No one can take Christ out of Christmas! No. One. Without Christ, there is no Christmas. Christ is the very heart of

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Council Update 2021.11

Hello Zion Lutheran Church. In case you haven’t noticed the year is slowly transitioning into fall, and it has been a beautiful fall so far. My segment of the newsletter this month will be short and to the point. We have our congregational meeting coming up along with the Christmas season, and there are a lot of things to get accomplished yet this year. First, let’s start with worship. I’m very happy to say that our Sanctuary services have seen

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