As you can see from all of the articles in this month’s newsletter, there is a lot going on at Zion. We have ample opportunity to share our time, talents, and treasures with the church and the community. I hope as we start to get closer to the holiday season, you think about how you can become an active part of Zion’s Ministries.
Currently, we continue to work with the Minneapolis Area Synod to identify Interim Associate Pastor candidates and hope to have more news on that in the future. We have also taken steps to form a Transition Team led by Pastor Bahe. This team will help with some of the preliminary work that goes into setting up a successful Call Committee and will also help us better understand the needs of Zion as we move forward and attempt to find out how the work of the church and its ministries will manifest themselves with all of the change we have seen over the past two years. Thank you to the volunteers who have offered to serve as team members for this work.
Some may be concerned that this Transition Team phase will prolong our search for a new Senior Pastor, but the reality is that it can actually help create a more successful Call Committee and perhaps improve our experience. Knowing what we are looking for in a Senior Pastor is important, but it is equally important for candidates to understand it as well in order to find individuals that feel they may be a good fit at Zion. This work will help us communicate this more consistently and give the Call Committee a clearer message for potential candidates.
Now, more than ever, we have an opportunity and a need to stop and think about those attributes and talents we want and need at Zion… those things that can bridge the diverse make-up of our congregation, bring people together with energy and a welcoming message to reach out to those around us, and let them know that Zion is a great place to be a part of and that people can feel a part of something bigger than themselves at Zion.
God bless, and enjoy the autumn season.