Angela Bengtson
Communications & Membership
Membership & Database Coordinator
My duties at Zion include …
- Maintain the membership records and church register
- Create database workflows, registration forms, and reports
- Oversee the maintenance of the church archives
I’ve worked at Zion since …
I’m also involved with …
Outreach Committee, Joyful Ringers handbell choir, Friday Bible Study.
My favorite thing about working at Zion is …
My coworkers
My Family …
Kirk and I were married at Zion in 1991 and have three grown children; Emily, Trevor, and Karin. We live on the family farm just a couple of miles from Zion.
When I’m not at Zion, you can find me…
When I’m not at Zion, you can often find me at my other job at Bella’s Flock in Buffalo, dyeing & weaving, or being Nana to Matilda.
My favorite worship song …
Good Day by Flamy Grant
Something you might not know about me …
My four years of school after 12th grade didn’t add up to any kind of college degree and included a year as a Rotary Exchange Student (here in Buffalo), and an odd assortment of college and other classes including architecture, bartending & waitressing, general studies (in Australia), farm management, and medical secretary (at Willmar Tech).
New Roles, New Adventures
And Many, Many Thanks For 16 years, Angela Bengtson has served as Zion’s Communications Coordinator. In that time, she has led Zion into a new
Voting Members
We love seeing Zion members around the building as well as in the community and hope you are finding ways to engage at Zion this
InFellowship Directory
Zion uses Fellowship One membership database to take care of and connect people. InFellowship is the portal that congregation members use to connect with groups
Membership Data
How many members does Zion have? Simple question, but the answer is complex and this time last year, we really didn’t have an answer that
Annual Membership Review
The Zion constitution states: The Congregation Council shall provide for an annual review of the membership roster. Well…. To tell you the truth, we haven’t
What Is a Member
What does it mean to be a member of Zion? Simple question, right? But in fact, the question is very complex. Are there different types