All voting members are requested to attend the Annual Congregational Meeting of Zion Lutheran Church on Sunday, December 3, 2023, in the Sanctuary at 11:45am.
- A voting member is defined as confirmed, and communing and contributing in the current (2023) or preceding (2022) calendar year.
The Annual Congregational Meeting will be immediately followed by a Special Congregational Meeting. The sole purpose of this meeting is to vote on a recommendation from the Call Committee to vote to approve the Call Committee’s recommendation for an Associate Pastor.
Zion Lutheran Church
Annual Meeting Agenda
December 3, 2023
11:45 a.m.
A. Call to Order
1) Opening Prayer
2) Quorum
B. Continuing Resolutions
1) We give thanks to the Triune God for the life and growth and blessing He has given to our Zion Congregation this past year.
2) We continue to live our vision statement, “Zion seeks to share Christ’s word, strengthen faith, and serve those in need.”
3) We express our appreciation to all who have served in any capacity by contributing their time and talents to enhance the life and growth of Zion this year.
4) We continue to emphasize the importance of family devotions by reading of the Bible and spiritual materials in the home. We express gratitude to the Women of Zion for providing devotional books.
5) We express appreciation to all who have given memorial gifts to our church, through the Memorial Fund or the Zion Lutheran Foundation, and also to those who remember the church in their last Will and Testament.
6) We continue to accept the annual Meeting Ground Rules. (salmon B/C1)
C. Elections
1) Philosophy of Elections Statement (salmon B/C1)
2) Biographies of Candidates (white C2)
3) Sample Ballot (yellow C3)
4) Official Ballot (lime green C4) will be distributed separately at the meeting
i) Church Council
ii) Nominating Committee
iii) Zion Foundation Trustee
iv) Minneapolis Area Synod Voting Members
D. Budget Information (Lavender D1/D2)
1) 2023 YTD status
2) 2024 budget vote
E. Global Missions Ministry Update (White E)
F. Social Ministry Update (Pink F)
G. Personnel Committee Update
H. Stewardship Update
I. Closing Comments and Announcements
J. Benediction
K. Adjournment to Special Congregational meeting