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Blessing Closet Goals for 2018

The first quarterly distribution of Zion’s Blessing Closet was in August of 2015.  To date, we have served 1,700 families with 4,000 kids that received 57,000 items of clothing.  During these distributions, we were able to partner with other non-profits by giving away bikes, books, school supplies, coats, and holiday baskets.

We have experienced tremendous support from Zion’s staff and congregation members with clothing donations, financial support to build a Blessing Closet storage facility, and many volunteer hours from over 72 volunteers.

As we go forward in 2018, the goal is to search out ways to increase our effectiveness and examine opportunities to make sure the Blessing Closet is viable far into the future.

So in the upcoming months watch for these improvements:

  • Fully utilize our new building
  • Make donations more convenient allowing appointments
  • Better serve our guests by improving display and control of inventory
  • Establish leaders to handle weekly duties
  • More productive use of volunteers by sorting weekly
  • Be more efficient in handling emergencies
  • Establish more communication options; social media, google voice

We are open to suggestions and encourage your input as to how we can improve this Zion Ministry which is called to touch lives, demonstrate God’s love in a practical way, love all people, illustrate the gift of giving, welcome those who seek, and serve others.

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