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Care Team Update

Deacon Jill Davis has made the decision to resign her part-time position as Director of Congregational Care. We give thanks to God for her ministry with us. We are grateful that this is a change in her role and not goodbye!  Deacon Davis is employed as a Hospice Chaplain and says that role takes time and energy which makes it difficult to focus on Congregational Care in the way she’d like to.  You will still see Deacon Jill Davis leading worship and helping in children’s ministry as her schedule allows.  Thank you Deacon Jill!

What’s next?  Congregational Care is such a vital part of who we are at Zion. We are blessed to have an incredible group of members who serve on the Congregational Care Team and will continue their work. Pastor Bahe, along with Council President Jameson Wakefield and the Personnel Committee will be discerning how best to move forward to support this vital ministry. We continue to seek an Interim Associate Pastor who would be able to take leadership in this area—please keep that process in your prayers.

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