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Council Update 2021.11

by Jameson Wakefield

Hello Zion Lutheran Church. In case you haven’t noticed the year is slowly transitioning into fall, and it has been a beautiful fall so far. My segment of the newsletter this month will be short and to the point. We have our congregational meeting coming up along with the Christmas season, and there are a lot of things to get accomplished yet this year.

First, let’s start with worship. I’m very happy to say that our Sanctuary services have seen an increase in attendance. Of course the 10:30 worship attendance has really picked up with Sunday school, and it is great to see all of the children back in church and excited to go to Sunday school. I really want to thank Pastor Bahe for her work with the Sunday services as well as the other services that have been taking place at Zion. Also, I have to give a huge thank you to Roger Johnson and Jill Davis for stepping in and helping with worship during this transitional time.

The congregational meeting is slated for December 5. It will be an “in-person” and Zoom format. Unlike last year, we are not offering the parking lot option. An important part of the annual meeting is voting on committee members. We have positions coming open for the following:

  • 4 Church Council Members (3-year term)
  • 6 Nominating Committee Members (1-year term)
  • 2 Zion Foundation Trustees (3-year term)
  • 4 MAS Voting Members (2-year term)
  • 1 MAS Youth Voting Member (1-year term)

If you would like to serve on any of these committees, please contact Kim Haggen in the church office. If you have questions about the positions, please feel free to contact the staff or me and we will answer any questions.

As we enter the Christmas season, I wish everyone a safe and happy time with family and friends. Things still aren’t “back to normal,” but that doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate the birth of our Lord and share the love and joy of the season. After all, isn’t that why we are all here?

Take care, and Merry Christmas!

Jameson Wakefield, Council President

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