Dale was elected to the Zion Council in 2022 to serve a one-year term (2023).
Dale is a life-long member of Zion and has many childhood and adult memories of Zion
Somehow the annual Christmas Eve service has a way of flooding my heart with many of them. Zion is special for me because I have been able to be a part of the continuation of a church that my ancestors were instrumental in forming, 150 years ago. My mother started me on my faith journey. She has taught me to do the right things and to keep God as the center of my life.
One of my favorite Bible verses is from Proverbs, Chapter 3: 5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways submit to Him, and he will make your paths straight.
I try to be the best person I can in everyday life, trusting the Lord will guide me through this journey of life on this earth.
Dale has served in the nursery, as a confirmation guide, as an usher, and on Pastor Ted’s Call Committee. He was elected to Zion’s Church Council in December of 2017 for a three-year term.
During the call committee experience, I learned a lot about the workings of the ELCA and its leaders. That was very informative to me, and something I wouldn’t have learned without serving in that ministry. It was during the time of a somewhat difficult transition in the church and after spending so many stable years for the majority of my life, I felt a calling to help restore the family of Zion.</.blockquote>
My newest experience, being on the Church Council, is a way I can serve, get to know other members better and appreciate their individual gifts they bring themselves to the table.
Dale’s hope for Zion is that we continue to grow in numbers, faithfulness, and service.
I appreciate our Vision Statement which we repeat every Sunday reminding us to take our faith with us, showing kindness and generosity so others can see God at work through me.
Dale has been married to Terri for 23 years, and they have four children: Ellen (22), Alexis (21), Trevor (17), and Spencer (16). He is self-employed as the owner of Schmidt Electric Service, Inc. in Buffalo, and enjoys hunting and fishing.