We are delighted to share the exciting news that one of our members, Jill Davis, has recently completed her yearlong residency in the ELCA, serving as a chaplain at Ebenezer’s Martin Luther Campus in Bloomington. Congratulations, Jill! What a blessing you have been to so many as you’ve faithfully pursued the ministry to which God continues to call you.
Jill explains that her yearlong residency “was a fabulous experience, even during the pandemic.” She describes her residency as providing the opportunity to “witness the beautiful work of the Holy Spirit daily.”
That year-long residency was the culmination of her work toward becoming a rostered minister of Word and Service in the ELCA. In October, Jill was approved by the Minneapolis Area Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America for ordination as a Deacon. Congratulations!!
What is a Deacon?
Deacons serve in several ways both within and outside of a specific congregation. Deacons are theologically educated and professionally trained. In the ELCA Deacons serve as chaplains, therapists, musicians, directors of worship, cantors, seminary faculty, administrators, social workers, and churchwide leaders. Our very own Sherilyn Burgdorf is also a Deacon in the ELCA.
In the ELCA, Deacons are described as:
Those called to the ministry of word and service. Who speak God’s word to God’s world, and in turn they speak also for the needs of God’s world to the church; they give leadership in the church’s mission to witness to God’s love through both words and actions.
We rejoice with Jill and the church as her work in the Ministry of Word and Service begins. Jill begins a new chapter in her vocational life on November 1. She has been called by Allina to serve as a hospice chaplain in the Hutchinson/Glencoe area.
We are pleased to also announce that while Jill is serving as a hospice chaplain at Allina 32 hours a week, she is also going to be helping with the congregational care ministry at Zion about 8 hours per week.
Our fabulous Congregational Care Team has been faithfully connecting with and bringing communion to our homebound folks throughout this time of transition. If you or someone you love could use a visit, please leave a message for [soon to be] Deacon Jill Davis in the church office at jill@zionbuffalo.org or 763.682.1245 ext.109. Watch for details of her upcoming ordination as an ELCA Deacon which will be coming soon.