Here is a summary of Zion’s financial information as of the end of July 2021. General Fund income for the month of July was just over $51,000 which is about 8% lower than what was received in July of 2020. Expenses for the General Fund were about $54,500. This is about 5.8% more than was spent in July of 2020. For the month General Fund expenses exceeded income by about $3,400. We anticipate that expenses will continue to increase as we work our way back to full staffing and programming.
Building Fund income for July was almost $12,000. This is almost identical to the Building Fund income of July 2020. In both cases, the income was about $1,100 less than the monthly mortgage payment.
Year to date, the General Fund income exceeds our expenses by about $31,000. However, this income is about $13,500 less than what was received at this time last year. The General Fund cash on hand as July 31 was about $284,500.
The Building Fund year to date income is a little over $92,000 compared with $91,500 received by this time in 2020. This is about $4,600 less than our mortgage payments. The Building Fund cash on hand is just over $56,000.
Thank you for your continuing financial support of Zion’s mission.