The Finance Committee would like to share a summary of Zion’s financial condition as of the end of November. When comparing our income/offerings to the General Fund from November this year to that of last year, we were down by about $5400 per Sunday or 26%. For the year so far, our giving and other income is almost identical to that of a year ago at this time. So far this year we have spent a little over $70,000 more than we have received in income/offering.
Our income to the Building Fund for November also dropped behind last year’s giving by about $400 per Sunday or 11%. For the year to date the income to the Building Fund is down about 4% or $6000 when compared to last year. Our mortgage expense for the year so far has exceeded our income by about $7400.
General Fund expenses for the month of November were about 8% higher than this month last year. This is primarily due to personnel expense of positions that are now filled which were empty last year. For the year, our General Fund expenses are running less than 3% higher than last year.
While these numbers are not the best, we cannot ignore the excitement and enthusiasm that is present in our congregation. We are thankful for the arrival of Pastor Trevor and the gifts that he will share with us. Our youth program is more than alive and well! It is so good to see the activities of all the youth from the wee little ones to our high school kids. All of this takes financial support. We are sure that our members will respond with the same fervor! We give thanks for your generosity which is our sole source of financial support for all the wonderful ministries here at Zion.