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Foundation Blessings

by Pastor Bahe

The Zion Foundation is a blessing which carries out ministry and mission through financial grants. The Zion Foundation was officially formed in 1978. It is a result of some great forward-thinking leadership.

A Foundation is a non-profit corporation with the general purpose and plan to receive financial gifts and hold the principal of such gifts in perpetuity. Which means, that Zion Foundation monies remain intact and only interest income is used for disbursement of grants. According to the bylaws of the Zion Lutheran Foundation, funds may be dispersed for purposes within Zion and also for purposes that Zion has undertaken, approved, or supported (beyond Zion).

The Zion Foundation has had an impact on so many ministries within and beyond our walls. For example, the Zion Foundation has traditionally granted monies to help families defray the cost of sending their children to Bible camp. The Foundation has also granted monies to ministries outside of our walls, such as Love INC.

A grant from the Foundation helped us have an incredibly successful ZFest this year, by providing monies to pay for the food at the event. ZFest was attended by many Zion members, but also by community members who were not members; so it was a day of fellowship and outreach!

Youth game room

The Zion Foundation granted monies to help get our youth programming back up and running. That grant has had a major impact on welcoming youth into this building and ministry. Part of the grant was used for equipping the new F3 Game Room (faith, fellowship, fun=the F3 part). The F3 Game Room has been a gathering spot for youth prior to and after programming. A wonderful side-benefit is that we’ve seen the room also used as a great hang-out for dads and kids and grandpas and grandkids. The Game Room and the Youth Room are major drawing points for our youth and help to build community, and the Zion Foundation is partly to thank for that. Every Zion member should go take a look at the rooms, but, even more fun is to see the rooms when they are FILLED with youth.

The results from these grants are all about ministry, mission, and building community, and that is pure blessing.
Thank you, Zion Foundation for expanding opportunities for mission and ministry!

Pastor Kari Bahe

Foundation vs Memorials

At Zion we talk about both the Zion Foundation and the Memorial Fund, but what is the difference? One major…

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