The summer is breezing by. Before you know it, it will be time for our Christmas Market event!
We are looking for more recipes… Does your family have a very favorite Christmas cookie? And are you willing to share the recipe? Harvest of Hands is thinking of compiling a small collection of special recipes into a “ZION Families Favorite Christmas Cookies” booklet.
Each recipe would have the donating family name mentioned. If someone passed the recipe along to you, they could also be mentioned – Grandma, Aunt, Friend. If two families offer the same type of recipe, they would both be mentioned. We would like to include our event favorites, too. If enough recipes are collected by a deadline date of August 31st, Harvest of Hands will put them together for a mini Christmas cookie book. With this booklet, you would no longer have to search the internet for Christmas baking because all your favorite recipes will be right in your cupboard waiting for you. If you have that special recipe, you can drop or send your recipes to Zion or email them to: or or We look forward to seeing what makes our Zion families’ taste buds happy.
The Harvest of Hands group continues to meet bi-monthly to create crafts in anticipation of the annual sale on November 4. We will meet on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month – July 12 and 26. Our group meets in the Wilderness Room at 7 PM on Wednesdays.
We are currently working on alcohol ink projects and assorted earrings.
All are welcome at our craft sessions, either to work on the planned projects or to bring your own craft projects and enjoy a morning or evening with friends. Join us for fun, fellowship, and a sense of accomplishment. We are always looking for new volunteers to join us and bring new, fresh ideas for projects for the event. If you have any ideasor suggestions, please contact Joy Arens.
We encourage you to join one of our craft sessions for fun, fellowship, and to help eradicate the world of hunger, one craft at a time.