We hope you are all enjoying your summer! There are so many wonderful moments to recognize from VBS. What an AWESOME, AMAZING, STELLAR, COSMIC ADVENTURE VBS WEEK WAS!
We can’t thank our VBS Volunteers enough for all their time and commitment. We had an amazing week, and we couldn’t have done it without each and every one of them!
We most appreciate the love you showed to the kids throughout the week. We are amazed by your commitment, enthusiasm, and passion! Crews watched fun experiments, sang new songs, reflected on God’s creation, made awesome crafts, heard Bible stories, and played games connected to Bible points. Each volunteer was a God Sighting and helped kids to experience God’s love during the week of VBS!
A huge thank you to the volunteers and children that made VBS so amazing. Thank you for SHINING JESUS’ LIGHT to the kids! Thank you to all of the kids for showing one another God’s love in your crews. We pray that you continue to strengthen your friendships made from VBS week and keep growing in faith. God worked in incredible ways during VBS week! Thank you ALL for being a part of it!
Another huge thank you to all of you who helped us with our VBS Fundraising Mission Partner: The Buffalo Community Toy Shop. We were able to raise over $500 for our local toy shop. They have donated so much time, supplies, and amazing wooden crafts for our VBS program for over 10 years. Thanks so much for your donations.
- Sunday School Registration and Schedule: More information coming soon
- Sunday, September 10th – Z Fest: Homecoming Sunday
- Enjoy all the moments of summer break. We will be seeing you all soon.
Cheerfully in Christ,
Kristi Wagner, Emily Comstock, and Kristin Lotthammer
Zion’s Children & Family Ministry Staff