Zion uses Fellowship One membership database to take care of and connect people. InFellowship is the portal that congregation members use to connect with groups and other members. One feature of InFellowship is a digital member directory.
The InFellowship online directory is the place to find real-time updated contact information. All members and attenders are requested to opt into the InFellowship Online Directory, which can be viewed by other Zion attenders and members who have also opted into the directory. Visitors and the general public cannot access the InFellowship online directory.
Use the check box at the bottom of the Account > Privacy Settings page to opt into the InFellowship online directory, and the privacy sliders to fine-tune who can see which parts of your information in the directory. (Remember to click ‘Save privacy settings’ at the bottom of the screen when you are done.)
Learn more about InFellowship features, including giving history and groups connections, at ZionBuffalo.org/infellowship.