From the evening hours of October 7, well into the morning hours of October 8, our awesome Zion ninth graders participated in the first annual confirmation lock-in. It began with a meaningful worship service geared specifically for them, led by Pastor Bahe and the Youth and Family Worship team. Pastor Bahe walked the kids through what promises were made on their behalf at their baptism and what the affirmation of baptism is and what that faith handoff will look like. One other meaningful part of that worship service was when Pastor Bahe and the directors of youth presented the students with cross necklaces pulled from the waters of baptism. As the necklaces were placed around their necks, they were reminded that they will always be a beloved child of God. One student’s response to receiving the gift was, “wow these are drippy.” Whether that was slang for “cool” or because they were actually wet and dripping, we may never know. We do however know that they really appreciated them.
The kids were also blessed by a few other influential adults who took time from their busy schedules to come and share their deep faith, answer questions, and share their personal faith stories. A huge thank you to Jim Onstad, Kevin Berquist, Pastor Bahe, Lee Ann Goerss, and John Holtz for showing Zion’s teens that a faith journey is lifelong.
Speaking of Lee Ann Goerss, she came alongside Zion’s confirmands and helped reshape the dreaded capstone project. Thanks to her wisdom, artistic skill, and love for youth and Jesus, our kids got to participate in a collaborative art piece that showcased their individual faith as well as the importance of a faith community. This magnificent piece will be on display on October 30 for all to see.
The remaining hours at the lock-in were spent creating stoles, playing games, eating, lots of eating, bonfires, night games, meaningful conversations, loads of laughter, and very little sleep. The memories made will surely last a lifetime.
Thank you, Zion, for continuing to invest, support, and lift up Zion’s youth. We are so proud and blessed to be adding these adult members to Zion’s family. They are truly exemplary humans with a deep love for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.