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Music for All

by Sherilyn Burgdorf, Worship Coordinator

Plan for the Fall!

One year ago we were doing re-entry into rehearsals and music ministry. This year, there will be a few schedule changes but all of Zion’s music directors are preparing for a great year of music, shared in worship and in the community. We’re ready to be singing and ringing!

New Start Times

Note that the elementary and youth choirs have new start times. Since the Elevate singers begin at 5:15, Zion planners are guessing that parents will bring the young singers to Zion instead of sending them to Kids’ Place as in the past. The later start time will make it easy for parents to bring the young singers before the 5:15 rehearsal and then stay for an easy family meal at Zion, served from 5-6:15pm in the Fellowship Hall.

Ring Forth and Class Ring will continue in their after-school time slots. Plans are underway to give ringers an option for transportation from schools to Zion. Schedule changes for this fall mean there is little or no need for Kids’ Place (2:30-5pm). If your family would benefit from child care during that time, please contact with your thoughts.

Sign Up Here

  • All elementary and youth music groups (Elevate, Lifted, Heirborn, Ring Forth and Class Ring) will begin on September 21 .
  • Adult groups (Senior Choir and Joyful Ringers) will begin on September 7.
Vocal Choirs
Senior Choir Michael Walsh Adults Wednesday 7:15pm
Altared Amy Intrieri Gr. 9-12 Wednesday 6:45-7:30pm
Lifted Amy Intrieri Gr 5-8 Wednesday 6:00-6:30pm
Elevate Amy Intrieri K-Gr. 4 Wednesday 5:15-5:45pm
Joyful Ringers Sherilyn Burgdorf High School & Adults Wednesday 6:30pm
Class Ring Jason Chalupnik, Sherilyn Burgdorf Gr. 6-12 Wednesday 4:00-5:00pm
Ring Forth Jason Chalupnik, Sherilyn Burgdorf Gr. 3-5 Wednesday 3:00-3:45pm

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