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Summer in the Northland

by Mike Davis, Stewardship Committee

Summer will soon be here! After the deep snows in April, it seemed like we’d never see green grass again. As all Minnesotans know, summer will be fleeting, and we need to take advantage of the nice days while they are here. But just like the inevitable road construction season, Zion, along with most churches, will be facing the traditional ‘Summer Slump.’ The ‘Summer Slump’ is a slowdown in church attendance and giving during the summertime when many people are traveling and/or taking part in other activities. This can cause some strain on Zion’s operating costs, which remain the same throughout the year. Here are some ways we can all plan for the summer and remember Zion at the same time:

  • Have fun! Enjoy the nice weather and all that it has to offer. (However, I would like to request that summer could offer fewer mosquitoes.)
  • If you are away, please remember Zion. There are numerous options for continued giving during the summer and year around.
    • Many members mail in their offerings when they are gone for a weekend.
    • Zion has an automatic withdrawal program available. If interested, please contact Steve Peterson in the office.
    • Credit card giving options are available, and information can be found at
  • Also, please remember to take advantage of your offering envelopes. It looks like the supply issue at the printer has been resolved and they have been distributed now.

Thank you for your generous support, both financially and in service! Together we can share the mission of Zion with others. Have a great summer!

Mike Davis, Stewardship Committee

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